
Tuesday, February 21, 2012

tuesday off & hunger games review.

i appreciate my mondays off because when there is a federal holiday on a monday, i always have tuesdays off as well. which leaves plenty of time for me to be lazy and read books and rest. really thankful for that!

today i woke up at 10:30 which was glorious since i usually wake up around 8 (5 AM on work days). however, i didn't wake up by myself.. a maintenance man was pounding on my bedroom door which scared me to death. i didn't hear him knock on the door of my house, and if they assume no one is home, they let themselves in to do maintenance checks. not the most pleasant way to wake up. he apologized a lot though, which was nice.

i made coffee and sat down to read the second Hunger Games book. i know everyone is always raving about those books (partly why i resist reading them; twilight is a total insult to the art of literature so i don't pay too much attention to popularity reads). but this one had a ringing endorsement from my roommate, so i thought i'd give it a try. it's well written, which is what i appreciate the most. second would be the well thought out storyline, and third would be the author's love for cliffhangers. she does a good job with that. definitely not a waste of my time, and i can only hope the movies do it justice. (they won't, of course, since books are always better than movies. period.)

i'm planning to stay in my sweatpants the rest of the day, catch up on blogs, make sure i have all my tax return materials together (hello, money!), and make myself a nice dinner later. it's lovely to have a day to do nothing and take care of myself. look for a blog post after this weekend-- larissa and i are reuniting, going to a couple of shows, and are going to have an amazing time. can't wait!


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