hello blog world.. we haven't spoken in a while :) mostly i've just been lazy and/or preoccupied. i've been reading a lot of blogs.. just not blogging myself! anyway, the first thing i wanted to share with you is my breakfast this morning. isn't this awesome? the mug is from Anthropologie as a gift from cait, whose wedding i was in last weekend. the scone & blackberry jam is from my mom, who used to work next to this really cute tea shop. so delicious. also, i'm listening to bryce avary's FREE acoustic album he put out. his added lyrics to one of his songs are now in my blog banner (see above). go download! it doesn't cost a thing and it's a fun live recording. i love his passion.. can't wait to hear his new work in 2012.
so here's what i've been up to lately:
1. i have a job interview tomorrow! it's at my current workplace, so i'm not leaving or anything. just a better position to be in. highly competitive but it's the job i've been doing for almost two years now, so i feel good about it.
2. my worship team and i had been specifically praying for a drummer recently, and we auditioned two of them this past week! and we are playing with one of them at service tonight. our church hasn't had drums since it started a couple of years ago, so i'm very excited for this.
3. i bought a new duvet cover from IKEA. maybe not as important as the first two things, but much-needed! i've been looking for one forever! also, i wouldn't mind living in IKEA.
4. i have been watching way too much TV and i really need to start reading books again. after all, i was a lit major! i need books in my life. and not the e-reader kind.
5. matthew 21:22 - "if you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer." hallelujah.
i hope you've all been doing well! more photo updates of life to come!
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