
Tuesday, January 5, 2010

i'm on a BOAT

Today I woke up to a bunch of guys hammering my house to death. Like right next to my room. It's good thing I decided not to go to bed at 3 a.m. last night.

I just wanted to write a little note to my friends (particularly the college ones). I've been emailing with a good friend recently and I've just been really aware of how much I care about the people I know who helped shape my college experience and became a huge part of my life. So to all the Seagulls out there that I've been blessed to know, thanks. You're the best :)

In other news.. I'm going on a cruise in 20 days!! I can't get "I'm On A Boat" out of my head. Which is fine, since that's one of my favorite SNL shorts. I love Andy Sandberg. haha

This will be me and my best friend soon enough. And we WILL be singing this song the whole time. :)


Nick and Kaley said...

I can see Sea World from my window so I am FOREVER singing "This ain't Sea world" in my head.

Steven. Mr L. Lammy. said...

i always look forward to your comments on my blog (thanks for them, by the way!) so i'll just concur with you that Seagulls really are the best and we had the greatest college experience ever. i miss it a lot, still!

have fun on the cruiseee! where are you headed?