
Sunday, September 28, 2008

constant motion.

I've had a lot going on this past week-- school, tons of working nights, and trying to balance time with friends. Not always easy, but I try. I worked Friday and Saturday night-- the longest and busiest shifts. I was at work for nine hours straight yesterday but after that I went to Flavors downtown because this sweet bluegrass band was playing. My friends were there, so I hung out and it made my hard work day worth it. 

It's almost October and it looks like it's going to be my busiest month. I've had to take off work a lot. This coming weekend is the Cru retreat, then I'm going home with my best friend the weekend after, then I have a wedding to go to-- plus lots of little things in between. It's all fun, though. I really do love the busy life as long as it's not dragging me down. I get tired sometimes but mostly I love being in constant motion.

I was reading the Word the other day and came across this verse: "Do not be afraid; keep on speaking, do not be silent." - Acts 18:9. It was cool to read that because I've been focused lately on reaching out to people like my classmates and inviting them to Cru and such. It was a reminder not to give up, because truthfully, I'm inclined to do that often.

On to another full week.


Anonymous said...

I know we don't know each other (came to your blog through another blogger friend) but I wanted to say, hang in there! I was in college not all that long ago. There was one girl that I shared with for THREE years...we even met once a week so she could grill me with questions about the Bible I had to look up they were so hard! And now, 5 years later she works at Athletes in Action and is one of the most transformed people I know! And that isn't something I would've predicted.

Anonymous said...

you're welcome!