
Thursday, December 30, 2010

oh hey music & new year's :)

call it a story brings my past to present. not always good, but good to listen to.

a day away from 2010 - very glad to leave this year behind. i've never had to say that before, but it's true. this is what the past year brought me:

1. heartbreak.
2. losing my first "real world" job.
3. having to go on unemployment at age 22 to pay my bills.
4. nearly 6 months of being unemployed.
5. more than one cancer diagnosis
6. my great-aunt dying
7. two of my besties leaving for England and staying there for a year
8. zack getting deployed
9. family problems
10. a few other awful situations that i won't mention here

BUT, there was a little bit of light..

1. finding an amazing job!
2. becoming totally independent
3. rooming with my best friend
4. reconnecting with college loves
5. my church & leading worship
6. training for and running my first 10k

i am grateful for 2010. it taught me a lot. i definitely grew. i figured out what goals i want to aim for and who i want to be. so ready for 2011 though!

happy new year!

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